March 6, 2022


The Unifying Field of Love Part 4; Here

Yakaboobis was here to steady her like he had steadied the living shakti of Earth all these years. His here was beginning to disappear and he knew that for the manifestation of the She Is, of his beloved Santosha, here marked the beginning of a new manifestation. Santosha’s work was the force of the coming and living of the She Is manifestation as living realizer, as living shakti. The beliefs of the hierarchy, the power dynamic ways of thinking—the powerful,...

The Unifying Field of Love Part 3; She Lives

Since the manifestation of the She Is, Durgali had one fierce, focused determination: to steady the appearance of the She Is here. Even now, at this early stage, forces were gathering to oppose the life of the She Is. Durga, now understanding her own manifestation as the Durga archetype, knew she was ready to face the opposing forces. The work that she came here to do was upon her.  Oasis could see it in her eyes, and while the women...

The Unifying Field of Love, Part 2 The Heart of Recognition

Oasis downloaded her images into a file she simply called, “God Apart”. This made her laugh to herself and wonder, what is his real name anyways? she excitedly opened the first image in Photoshop. It was God Apart sitting on the boulder by the river. She studied his grin, that silly, satisfied grin, she thought. She enlarged the photo so her big printer could print the largest size possible. Five minutes later the big Canon printer cut and shot out...

The Unifying Field of Love Part 1

God Apart knew he had to come here. He wanted to come here. His wife, God Apartress, kept asking him, “What is going on there? The people in the outer realms now have great scientific toys but they have lost their hearts along the way. They all seem to be infected by a heart disease that makes their hearts shrink.” “Yes, yes, matters are getting worse. I gave them the internet but instead of providing worldwide information on how to...

The Happiest of All

The Happiest of All The Best Kept Secret It was a well-kept secret even among all the happiest places—where the happiest place on Earth is. Each happy place on all the different continents on Earth felt surely they must be the happiest of all. Of course they all knew that the manmade attempts at creating happy places were just fabricated to make a buck and that making an unnatural creation out of what is natural had nothing to do with...

A Most Unusual Meeting

A story by Santosha Tantra from Nov 22, 1999 Sudra had an intuition that a most unusual meeting was about to take place. Would it take place at a formal dining restaurant while indulging in expensive dead meat, glasses of wine and cheese and glazed nut salad? Or would it take place at the seashore while the setting sun reflected pink colors upon the waves that met the shore? Or would it take place on a hiking trail in the...

Sudra Returns!

It has been many years since Santosha last used my voice to express herself! Too long! She is an elder now, looking her age and creaking in all the right places. Fortunately, I don’t age, as I am the voice of her awareness. I’m just as innocent as I have always been. Innocent and irreverent. How wonderful that awareness doesn’t age, which leads to the question: does it process, grow and expand into an unfathomable infinite depth? I don’t know...

The Heart Whisperer of Creation

The place of happiness was always waiting for the person of happiness to arrive. This beautiful place located at the beginning of time was here from the very beginning, and no one can remember when that is. No one can remember the real beginning of anything or any place, nor can anyone imagine the end. Still, it is all being dreamed by the Heart Whisperer of Creation and no one knows who She Is. No one ever imagined either; everyone...

Six Conversations That Led Up To The Perfect Gift

Master Marinee knew her death was imminent. Her health had been steadily decliningsince last spring. She told no one and no one suspected that her health was failing. Sheseemed to have her usual vigor. She was a very active woman and enjoyed taking longwalks everyday. She often walked alone and enjoyed communing with the internal andexternal environment. Her walks in the last week were more and more of a shorterduration. The last few days she ambled only a few yards...

The Trailblazers

     The place that Sudra loved the most was the trail. She walked the trail alone. She walked the trail for everyone. She walked the trail with the deepest intimacy of everything that lives.  She was living and breathing everything as she walked. She walked on all the beautiful trails of this wonderful Earth – her dearest devotee. The Earth so loved living in her unifying field of love. It whispered her name and felt her happiness as its own...