Women – The Way To Change

April 18, 2023

Women, The Way To Change
by Santosha Tantra

Women, the way to change and grow out of the female programming is to take action.
Always do whatever comes up that you think should be done. Do not go to someone else and tell them and talk about it and decide about it. Simply just do it. Always find a way to go about doing whatever it takes to get something you really want. Try lots of things, and what works will show itself. Be willing and ready to make lots of mistakes – that is exactly the quickest way to learn! Do not let it stop you, ever.

Pay attention to what comes up in you that you want, that you think should happen, that seems like a good idea. Pay attention to those things, and act on them. Act on them right away, immediately. Do not wait, do not put it off, do not justify not doing it, do not tell someone else it is a good idea and they should do it. Do not tell your boyfriend or husband or dad about it so they can do it. Just do it. Just find a way, and do it. This is the way we can change. This is the way we can do something different than we are tending to do, which we are suffering so much each and every day.

This is a way to gather our own power for our spiritual process. It takes the whole game of manipulation and blame that women are always doing OUT of the picture. It eliminates the programming that we do as little as possible.
– it eliminates the programming what we let someone else decide what our lives will be like
– it eliminates the programming of doing nothing and blaming the other for the outcome
– it eliminates the programming of having to be right all the time, which is a major obstacle to trying out anything new, or doing anything at all!
– it eliminates the programming of manipulation of others to get what we want

More about Santosha Tantra