Lakshmi Puja – Thanksgiving 2021

The Mystery breaks through, surprising us and bringing us to marvel in wonder. It was the Thanksgiving celebration at Geri and Rebecca’s house November 2021. It was a lovely day so we were all outside. The kids were running around and people were swinging on the swing or shooting hoops or happily sitting, luxuriating in Santosha Ma’s presence. Gifts were presented to her that day and one was from Yasuko and Daniel of a carved wooden statue of Lakshmi with...

The Enduring and Endearing Exploits of Yakaboobis and Yakataboof

(not necessarily in chronological order) A couple of years after the death of Yakaboobis’s body, Yakataboof still missed his dear master and friend. They still talked via heart transmission, even engaged in philosophical debate which always ended in a nod of “love you, man”. But Yakataboof so missed keeping up and following his beloved master as he served him on all of his missions of utmost importance. His own exploits lacked the enjoyment of their mutual hilarity. Being with Yakaboobis...

The Feminists from Outer Space and the Appearance of the Bodhisattva

The Feminists from Outer Space and the Appearance of the Bodhisattva Ayra didn’t have a strong sense of belonging to anyone or anywhere. She is the woman who walks forever. She once stayed in a small town for twenty years. She became familiar with the local hangouts and the local people who visited them. She was friendly to everyone and everyone was friendly to her. She knew that it didn’t matter how long she stayed in one place—it would not...

In Her Presence

In Her Presence                                The Plan                                   Plan not to Plan Gordon put down his pen. He was weary. He had never felt this kind of tired before. Not only was his body exhausted, his mind was too tired to even wander and he felt nothing—nothing but a deep, dark impulse to disappear altogether. Tests had been done and he knew the results already, without hearing them from his specialist. He knew he was dying. He had known for a...

Sudra Returns!

It has been many years since Santosha last used my voice to express herself! Too long! She is an elder now, looking her age and creaking in all the right places. Fortunately, I don’t age, as I am the voice of her awareness. I’m just as innocent as I have always been. Innocent and irreverent. How wonderful that awareness doesn’t age, which leads to the question: does it process, grow and expand into an unfathomable infinite depth? I don’t know...

The Goddess of Happiness

A long time ago, in a time no one remembers anymore, there lived, in a very beautiful place that could remind you of all that is the very best of Earth, a wonderful Queen. Her name was ‘The Most Attractive One’. It wasn’t because she was the most beautiful she was named ‘The Most Attractive One’, rather it was because she could always call anyone and anything to her and it would come to her. No one could deny her,...

What it Takes by Susan Shaw

November 16, 2012 It used to be people came to their Masters when they were prepared and mature, having seen the world for what it was and having relinquished all their attachments to it, they were ready to get down to business. This certainly wasn’t the case with me. I came to Santosha Ma totally unprepared, quite immature with all my seeking in the world fully intact. I am an example of the White Woman’s syndrome of fakery, as Santosha...

Adi Da and the Patriarchy: Interview with Santosha Ma and Torrey

10/28/2018 Santosha Ma:  I wrote some things in my journal this morning to try to further process this dynamic that we’ve experienced in our lives in the spiritual, as well as how the patriarchy affected it, and our journey on the spiritual path. Also, how it affected our relationship with my teachers, and your teachers – me being one of them.  I’ll just read this.  It’s a little bit intense, but…    Torrey:   Good!! (laughs) Because it is intense!  Santosha...